Galileo | Data Interpretation
General Guidelines based on major soil types
Soil color may vary according to the source of parent material from which soil is formed. Guidelines are based on soil texture. However organic matter, crop type, temparature, evaporation rate, time reuired to irrigate particular land, irrigation method, crop water requirement, crop growth stage needs to be considred while planning pricise timing. In general it is advisible to irrigate well before soil reaches Permanent Wilting Point, and irrigation schedule should maintain enough gap from Field Capacity to give space for proper air moevement. We have suggested irrigation trigger and stop points, which are for general guideline purpose only.
Sandy Loam Soil
Soil color may vary according to the source of parent material from which soil is formed.
This soil is best for vegetables and flowers.
It is a mixture of Sand, Slit and Clay, which gives them equal advantages of all soil particles.
These soils are best for growing Tomato, Beans, Peppers, Cucumbers, Okra, Onion, Sweet Corn, Corn, Leafy vegetables, bulb vegetables, eggplants.
These soils have particle size distribution as Sand 50 to 70 %, Slit 0 to 50 % and Clay 0 to 20%.
While using Galileo for measuring soil moisture please follow following guidelines.
When meter reading shows moisture reading below 20% it is the best time to irrigate. If crop area is large, during summer season, electricity supply is not regular, pumping motor capacity is small and more time is required to irrigate field, consider time required to irrigate all field and start early so that later part of crop area gets irrigation well before it reaches 20% moisture level.
Soil moisture below 20% will cause damage to the growing crop.
Maintain an optimum moisture level of 30 to 35% for better space for air to flow between the soil pores.
Sandy Clay Loam Soil
Soil color may vary according to the source of parent material from which soil is formed.
Mostly these soils are acidic in nature. Sand percentage is dominant, which makes this soil difficult to manage. Nutrient loss due to leaching is a major issue. Small degree of soil aggregation, compaction and cracking might be found on soil surface or slightly below the soil surface area.
These soils have particle size distribution as Sand 45 to 80 %, Slit 0 to 28 % and Clay 20 to 35%.
While using Galileo for measuring soil moisture please follow following guidelines.
When meter reading shows moisture reading below 33% it is the best time to irrigate water. Soil moisture below 33% will cause damage to the growing crop.
Maintain an optimum moisture level of 35 to 58% for better space for air to flow between the soil pores.
If crop area is large, during summer season, electricity supply is not regular, pumping motor capacity is small and more time is required to irrigate field, consider time required to irrigate all field and start early so that later part of crop area gets irrigation well before it reaches 20% moisture level.
Clay Loam Soil
Soil color may vary according to the source of parent material from which soil is formed.
Clay loam soils are dominant in clay content which is more than 27%. These soils become slightly more compact than Sandy Clay loam soils and less than clay soils. Few crack might be noticed.
These soils have particle size distribution as Sand 20 to 45 %, Slit 15 to 52 % and Clay 27 to 40%.
While using Galileo for measuring soil moisture please follow following guidelines.
When meter reading shows moisture reading below 35% it is the best time to irrigate water. Soil moisture below 35% will cause damage to the growing crop.
Maintain an optimum moisture level of 35 to 65% for better space for air to flow between the soil pores.
If crop area is large, during summer season, electricity supply is not regular, pumping motor capacity is small and more time is required to irrigate field, consider time required to irrigate all field and start early so that later part of crop area gets irrigation well before it reaches 20% moisture level.
Clay Soil
Soil color may vary according to the source of parent material from which soil is formed.
Mostly these soils are alkaline or in some cases saline in nature. Clay particles forms major soil particle portion, that ranges from 50 to 100%. Such soils are hard to operate and soil cracks are major.
These soils have particle size distribution as Sand 1 to 45 %, Slit 1 to 40 % and Clay 50 to 100%.
While using Galileo for measuring soil moisture please follow following guidelines.
When meter reading shows moisture reading below 60% it is the best time to irrigate water. Soil moisture below 60% will cause damage to the growing crop.
Maintain an optimum moisture level of 60 to 80% for better space for air to flow between the soils pores.
If crop area is large, during summer season, electricity supply is not regular, pumping motor capacity is small and more time is required to irrigate field, consider time required to irrigate all field and start early so that later part of crop area gets irrigation well before it reaches 20% moisture level.