
Cucurbit Leaf Crumple Virus

Vector: White Fly
Vector: White Fly

Viral Disease

Vector: White Fly
Vector: White Fly

Viral Disease

Vector: White Fly
Vector: White Fly

Viral Disease

Vector: White Fly
Vector: White Fly

Viral Disease

Vector: White Fly
Vector: White Fly

Viral Disease

Vector: White Fly
Vector: White Fly

Viral Disease

Cucurbit Leaf Crumple Virus (CuLCrV) is a disease that affects various cucurbit crops, causing notable damage, especially in fields with poor whitefly management. Whiteflies are the primary vectors, transmitting the virus as they feed on infected plants.


  1. Initial Symptoms: The disease often begins in small patches within a field. New leaves will initially show yellow spots between the veins, a distinctive pattern of CuLCrV.
  2. Advanced Symptoms: As the disease progresses, yellowing of the leaves extends along the margins. In advanced stages, leaves exhibit severe crumpling, twisting, thickening, and a pronounced yellowing, with green veins becoming more prominent.
  3. Severe Infection: On severely infected plants, entire leaves can turn yellow, and the yellow areas may become necrotic, giving the leaves a burned appearance. The crumpling and twisting of leaves are readily noticeable and can be felt by touch.
  4. Impact of Whitefly Feeding: Heavy whitefly feeding is both a cause and a consequence of the virus's spread, as these insects transmit CuLCrV from plant to plant.


Effective management of CuLCrV focuses on controlling whitefly populations. This includes monitoring and managing whiteflies throughout the growing season and in subsequent seasons to prevent the spread of the virus. Using resistant varieties and practicing good field hygiene are also crucial in managing this disease.


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