
Stylar End Rot

Phomopsis psidii
Phomopsis psidii

Fungal Disease

Phomopsis psidii
Phomopsis psidii

Fungal Disease

Phomopsis psidii
Phomopsis psidii

Fungal Disease

Fruit rot in guava is a serious issue that affects both preharvest and postharvest fruits, leading to significant economic losses.


  • Initial Signs: Discoloration begins near the base of the fruit, below the calyx.
  • Progression: The discolored area expands as the fruit ripens, turning dark brown and soft, with a "water-soaked" appearance.
  • Flesh Damage: The inner flesh begins to rot along with the peel discoloration.
  • Advanced Symptoms: Affected fruit shrinks, develops concentric wrinkles, and eventually becomes covered with small, dark fruiting bodies (pycnidia).
  • Impact: Reported losses in guava orchards can range from 10% to 60%.

Disease Cycle and Epidemiology:

  • Susceptibility: Wounded fruits are more prone to infection.
  • Optimal Conditions: High temperatures (28°C to 31°C) and extended periods of wetness favor disease development.
  • Quiescent Disease: The infection occurs in the field, but symptoms often manifest postharvest.
  • Inoculum Source: Infected, mummified fruits left on the tree can serve as inoculum for the next season.
  • Other Infections: The fungus Phomopsis psidii can also cause twig blight, indicating an endophytic phase in its life cycle.


  1. Remove Infected Fruit: Regularly remove infected fruits to reduce disease pressure.
  2. Plant Spacing and Pruning: Increase plant spacing and selectively prune to enhance air circulation and sunlight exposure.


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